This is a comprehensive MS in Cloud Computing course that is designed to clear multiple certifications as follows:
The entire course content is in line with respective certification programs, and upon the completion of the training you will be in a position to clear the requisite certification exams with ease and get the best jobs in top MNCs.
As part of this Cloud Architect training, you will be working on real-time projects and assignments that have immense implications in the real-world industrial scenarios, thus helping you fast-track your career effortlessly.
At the end of this training program, there will be quizzes that perfectly reflect the type of questions asked in respective certification exams, and this shall help you score better.
1.1 What is Cloud Computing
1.2 Cloud Service & Deployment Models
1.3 How AWS is the leader in the cloud domain
1.4 Various cloud computing products offered by AWS
1.5 Introduction to AWS S3, EC2, VPC, EBS, ELB, AMI
1.6 AWS architecture and the AWS Management Console, virtualization in AWS (Xen hypervisor)
1.7 What is auto-scaling
1.8 AWS EC2 best practices and cost involved.
2.1 Introduction to EC2
2.2 Regions & Availability Zones(AZs)
2.3 Pre-EC2, EC2 instance types
2.4 Comparing Public IP and Elastic IP
2.5 Demonstrating how to launch an AWS EC2 instance
2.6 Introduction to AMIs, Creating and Copying an AMI
2.7 Introduction to EBS
2.8 EBS volume types
2.9 EBS Snapshots
2.10 Introduction to EFS
2.11 Instance tenancy- Reserved and Spot instances
2.12 Pricing and Design Patterns.
3.1 Introduction to Elastic Load Balancer
3.2 Types of ELB – Classic, Network and Application
3.3 Load balancer architecture
3.4 Cross-zone load balancing
3.5 Introduction to Auto Scaling, vertical and horizontal scaling, the lifecycle of Auto Scaling
3.6 Components of Auto Scaling, scaling options and policy, instance termination
3.7 Using load balancer with Auto Scaling
3.8 Pre-Route 53 – how DNS works
3.9 Routing policy, Route 53 terminologies, Pricing.
4.1 What is Amazon VPC,
4.2 VPC as a networking layer for EC2,
4.3 IP address and CIDR notations,
4.4 Components of VPC – network interfaces, route tables, internet gateway, NAT,
4.5 Security in VPC – security groups and NACL, types of VPC, what is a subnet, VPC peering with scenarios, VPC endpoints, VPC pricing and design patterns.
5.1 Introduction to AWS storage
5.2 Pre-S3 – online cloud storage
5.3 API, S3 consistency models
5.4 Storage hierarchy, buckets in S3
5.5 Objects in S3, metadata and storage classes, object versioning, object lifecycle management, cross-region replication, data encryption, connecting using VPC endpoint, S3 pricing.
6.1 What is a database, types of databases, databases on AWS
6.2 Introduction to Amazon RDS
6.3 Multi-AZ deployments, features of RDS
6.4 Read replicas in RDS, reserved DB instances
6.5 RDS pricing and design patterns
6.6 Introduction to Amazon Aurora, benefits of Aurora, Aurora pricing and design patterns
6.7 Introduction to DynamoDB, components of DynamoDB, DynamoDB pricing and design patterns
6.8 What is Amazon Redshift, advantages of Redshift
6.9 What is ElastiCache, why ElastiCache.
7.1 Introduction to CloudFormation
7.2 CloudFormation components
7.3 CloudFormation templates
7.4 The concept of Infrastructure-as-a-code
7.5 Functions and pseudo parameters
7.6 Introduction to Simple Notification Service, how does SNS work
7.7 Introduction to Simple Email Service, how does SES work
7.8 Introduction to Simple Queue Service, how does SQS work.
8.1 Pre-IAM, why access management
8.2 Amazon Resource Name (ARN), IAM features
8.3 Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in IAM, JSON
8.4 IAM policies, IAM permissions, IAM roles, identity federation, pricing
8.5 Introduction to CloudWatch, metrics and namespaces, CloudWatch architecture, dashboards in CW, CloudWatch alarms, CloudWatch logs, pricing and design patterns
8.6 Introduction to CloudTrail, tracking API usage.
9.1 What is AWS Lambda
9.2 How Lambda is different from EC2
9.3 Benefits and limitations of Lambda
9.4 How does Lambda work
9.5 Use cases of Lambda, Lambda concepts
9.6 Integration S3 with Lambda
9.7 What is Elastic Beanstalk, how does Beanstalk work, Beanstalk concepts, Beanstalk pricing
9.8 What is configuration management
9.9 What is AWS OpsWorks, AWS OpsWorks benefits
9.10 CloudFormation vs OpsWorks, services in OpsWorks, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, OpsWorks pricing.
10.1 What is FSx
10.2 Types of FSx,FSx for Windows server
10.3 How does FSx for Windows File Server work, FSx for Lustre
10.4 Use cases of FSx
10.5 Automatic failover process
10.6 Supported clients and access methods
10.7 What is a Global Accelerator, How Global Accelerator works, Listeners and Endpoints
10.8 What are AWS Organizations, Features of AWS Organizations, Managing multiple accounts
10.9 What are ENIs, ENAs and EFAs, Working with network interfaces
10.10 Enhanced Networking with ENA, EFA with MPI, Monitoring an EFA
11.1 Important guidelines for creating a well-architected AWS framework that is resilient and performant
11.2 Designing of fault-tolerant and high-availability architecture
11.3 Resilient storage
11.4 Decoupling mechanism
11.5 Multi-tier architecture solution
11.6 Disaster recovery solution
11.7 Scalable and elastic solutions.
12.1 What is DevOps,
12.2 Introduction to AWS DevOps,
12.3 AWS Developer tools – CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline, integrating GitHub with CodePipeline,
12.4 Creating a DevOps lifecycle using AWS DevOps tools.
13.1 What is Cloud migration
13.2 Why migration is important
13.3 Migration process in AWS, the 6 R’s migration strategy
13.4 Virtual machine migration, migrating a local vm onto the AWS cloud
13.5 Migrating databases using Database Migration Service (DMS)
13.6 Migrating a local database to RDS
13.7 Migrating an on-premises database server to RDS using DMS, other migration services.
1.1 EC2 Walkthrough
1.2 Installation of DevOps Tools on cloud
2.1 What is Software Development
2.2 Software Development Life Cycle
2.3 Traditional Models for SDLC
2.4 Why DevOps?
2.5 What is DevOps?
2.6 DevOps Lifecycle
2.7 DevOps Tools
3.1 What is Continuous Testing?
3.2 What is Maven?
3.3 Running Test Cases on Chromium Web Driver
3.4 What is Headless Mode?
4.1 Introduction to Continuous Integration
4.2 Jenkins Master Slave Architecture
4.3 Understanding CI/CD Pipelines
4.4 Creating an end to end automated CI/CD Pipeline
5.1 What is Version Control
5.2 Types of Version Control System
5.3 Introduction to SVN
5.4 Introduction to Git
5.5 Git Lifecycle
5.6 Common Git Commands
5.7 Working with Branches in Git
5.8 Merging Branches
5.9 Resolving Merge Conflicts
5.10 Git Workflow
6.1 Introduction to Docker
6.2 Understanding Docker Lifecycle
6.3 Components of Docker Ecosystem
6.4 Common Docker Operations
6.5 Creating a DockerHub Account
6.6 Committing changes in a Container
6.7 Pushing a Container Image to DockerHub
6.8 Creating Custom Docker Images using Dockerfile
7.1 What are Docker Volumes
7.2 Deploying a Multi-Tier Application using Docker Network
7.3 Using Docker Compose to deploy containers
7.4 What is Container Orchestration
7.5 Container Orchestration Tools
7.6 Introduction to Docker Swarm
7.7 Deploying a 2-Node Cluster using Docker Swarm
8.1 Need of Configuration Management
8.2 Configuration Management Tools
8.3 What is Puppet
8.4 Puppet Architecture
8.5 Setting up Master Slave using Puppet
8.6 Puppet Manifests
8.7 Puppet Modules
8.8 Applying configuration using Puppet
8.9 Puppet File Server
9.1 What is Ansible?
9.2 Ansible vs Puppet
9.3 Ansible Architecture
9.4 Setting up Master Slave using Ansible
9.5 Ansible Playbook
9.6 Ansible Roles
9.7 Applying configuration using Ansible
10.1 Introduction to Kubernetes
10.2 Docker Swarm vs Kubernetes
10.3 Kubernetes Architecture
10.4 Deploying Kubernetes using Kubeadms
10.5 Alternate ways of deploying Kubernetes
10.6 YAML Files
10.7 Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
10.8 Services in Kubernetes
10.9 Ingress in Kubernetes
10.10 Case Study – Kubernetes Architecture
11.1 What is Continuous Monitoring
11.2 Introduction to Nagios
11.3 Nagios Architecture
11.4 Monitoring Services in Nagios
11.5 What are NRPE Plugins
11.6 Monitoring System Info using NRPE plugins
12.1 What is Infrastructure as a code
12.2 Iac vs Configuration Management
12.3 Introduction to Terraform
12.4 Installing Terraform on AWS
12.5 Basic Operations in terraform
Code Basics
12.7 Deploying and end-to-end architecture on AWS using Terraform
1.1 Introduction to Python Language
1.2 Features, the advantages of Python over other programming languages
1.3 Python installation – Windows, Mac & Linux distribution for Anaconda Python
1.4 Deploying Python IDE
1.5 Basic Python commands, data types, variables, keywords and more
2.1 Built-in data types in Python
2.2 Learn classes, modules, Str(String), Ellipsis Object, Null Object, Ellipsis, Debug
2.3 Basic operators, comparison, arithmetic, slicing and slice operator, logical, bitwise
2.4 Loop and control statements while, for, if, break, else, continue.
3.1 How to write OOP concepts program in Python
3.2 Connecting to a database
3.3 Classes and objects in Python
3.4 OOPs paradigm, important concepts in OOP like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation
3.5 Python functions, return types and parameters
3.6 Lambda expressions
4.1 Understanding the Database, need of database
4.2 Installing MySQL on windows
4.3 Understanding Database connection using Python.
5.1 Introduction to arrays and matrices
5.2 Broadcasting of array math, indexing of array
5.3 Standard deviation, conditional probability, correlation and covariance.
6.1 Introduction to SciPy
6.2 Functions building on top of NumPy, cluster, linalg, signal, optimize, integrate, subpackages, SciPy with Bayes Theorem.
7.1 How to plot graph and chart with Python
7.2 Various aspects of line, scatter, bar, histogram, 3D, the API of MatPlotLib, subplots.
8.1 Introduction to Python dataframes
8.2 Importing data from JSON, CSV, Excel, SQL database, NumPy array to dataframe
8.3 Various data operations like selecting, filtering, sorting, viewing, joining, combining
9.1 Introduction to Exception Handling
9.2 Scenarios in Exception Handling with its execution
9.3 Arithmetic exception
9.4 RAISE of Exception
9.5 What is Random List, running a Random list on Jupyter Notebook
9.6 Value Error in Exception Handling.
10.1 Introduction to Thread, need of threads
10.2 What are thread functions
10.3 Performing various operations on thread like joining a thread, starting a thread, enumeration in a thread
10.4 Creating a Multithread, finishing the multithreads.
10.5 Understanding Race Condition, lock and Synchronization.
11.1 Intro to modules in Python, need of modules
11.2 How to import modules in python
11.3 Locating a module, namespace and scoping
11.4 Arithmetic operations on Modules using a function
11.5 Intro to Search path, Global and local functions, filter functions
11.6 Python Packages, import in packages, various ways of accessing the packages
11.7 Decorators, Pointer assignments, and Xldr.
12.1 Introduction to web scraping in Python
12.2 Installing of beautifulsoup
12.3 Installing Python parser lxml
12.4 Various web scraping libraries, beautifulsoup, Scrapy Python packages
12.5 Creating soup object with input HTML
12.6 Searching of tree, full or partial parsing, output print
1.1 Understanding the fundamentals of Google Cloud Platform
1.2 The Google Global infrastructure
1.3 Products for storage, compute, networking, Machine Learning, and more
1.4 Availability zones
1.5 Different projects running on the GCP infrastructure, including Google projects
2.1 Introduction to Google Cloud services
2.2 Managing Google services using command-line tools, app, and console
2.3 Installing and configuring SDK
2.4 Deploying Cloud Shell for GCP environment management
2.5 Deploying Gsutil
3.1 Understanding Google computing services
3.2 Creating and managing virtual machines in Google Cloud
3.3 Launching VMs on-demand using Google Compute Engine
3.4 Choosing the right computing solutions based on the workload like memory or CPU
3.5 Important actions with Compute Engine
3.6 Balancing the load
4.1 Various storage services offered with Google Cloud
4.2 The process of storing and retrieving data
4.3 Rich content management
4.4 Hosting a website
4.5 Choosing the right storage options
4.6 Integrating on-premises with the cloud storage environment
4.7 Nearline and Coldline storage
4.8 Cloud Datastore
4.9 Managing cloud storage using Gsutil
5.1 Deploying Google Cloud for developing applications and for debugging and monitoring purposes
5.2 Choosing the right data storage for application data
5.3 Automating infrastructure
5.4 Managing the API
5.5 Cloud source
5.6 Functions and special APIs
5.7 Implementing and configuring Cloud Launcher and Deployment Manager
5.8 Application deployment using Cloud Engine
6.1 Introduction to Google networking
6.2 Setting up the Google network
6.3 Connecting various Google Cloud Platform resources
6.4 Isolation using firewalls and network policies
6.5 Creating and managing of Virtual Private Network
6.6 Working with cloud routers and interconnecting networks
7.1 Different security and identity and access management (IAM) services
7.2 Various roles in IAM
7.3 Creating and managing Google resources permissions
7.4 IAM APIs
7.5 The creation of custom roles
7.6 Sharing resources and isolation
7.7 Deploying penetration testing, auditing, and security controls
8.1 Understanding how to migrate to Google Cloud
8.2 Various criteria to be considered
8.3 Choosing the right options as per the specific needs
8.4 Managing a hybrid cloud model
8.5 Complete migration from the on-premises model to the cloud
8.6 Choosing an automation framework for resource provisioning
Introduction to Java Programming, Defining Java, Need for Java, Platform Independent in Java, Define JRE,JVM, JDK, Important Features and Evolution of Java
Overview of Coding basics, Setting up the required environment, Knowing the available IDEs, Writing a Basic-level Java Program, Define Package, What are Java Comments?, Understanding the concept of Reserved Words, Introduction to Java Statements, What are Blocks in Java, Explain a Class, Different Methods
Overview of the Language, Defining Identifiers, What are Constraints and Variables, What is an Encoding Set?, Concept of Separators, Define Primitives, How to make Primitive Conversions?, Various Operators in Java
Module Overview, Learn how to write If Statement, Understanding While Statement, Working with Do-while Statement, How to use For Statement?, Using Break Statement, What is Continue Statement, Working of Switch Statement
General Review of the Module, Defining Object and Classes in Java, What are Encapsulation, Static Members and Access Control?, Use and importance of ‘this’ Keyword, Deining Method Overloading with an example, ‘By Value’ vs. ‘By Reference’, Loading, Defining Initialization and Linking, How to Compare Objects in Java?, What is Garbage Collector?
General Review, Concept of Object in Java, Define Core Class, What is System?, Explain String Classes, How do Arrays work?, Concept of Boxing & Unboxing, Use of ‘varargs’, ‘format’ and ‘printf’ Methods
Introduction, Define Inheritance with an example, Accessibility concept, Method Overriding, Learning how to call a Superclass’ Constructor, What is Type Casting?, Familiarity with ’instanceof’ Keyword
Getting started with exception Handling, Defining an Exception, How to use Constructs to deal with exceptions?, Classification of exceptions, Throw Exceptions, How to create an exception class?, stack Trace analysis
General Review, Defining Interface, Use and Create and Interface, Concept of Extending interfaces, How to implement multiple interfaces?, What are abstract classes?, How to create and use abstract classes?, Comparison between interface and abstract classes, Concept of Nested Classes, What are Nested Classes?, Nested Classes Types, Working of an Inner Class, What is a Local Inner Class?, Anonymous Classes in java, What is a Static Nested Class
What are Nested Classes?, Types of Nested Classes, What is an Inner Class?, Understanding local inner class, Anonymous Inner Class, Nested Class – Static
What is a Thread?, How to create and start a Thread?, States of a Thread, Blocking the Execution of a Thread, Concept of Sleep Thread, Understanding the priorities in a thread, Synchronisation in Java Threads, Interaction between threads
Introduction to Collection Framework, Preeminent Interfaces, What are Comparable and Comparator?, Working with Lists, Working with Maps, Working with Sets, Working with Queues
Define JDBC, Different types of Drivers, How to access the drivers?, What is Connection in Java?, What is a Statement?, Explaining CRUD Operations with examples, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement
Overview of important topics included, Important and Frequently-Used Features, Defining Generic List, What is Generic Map in Java?, Java Generic Classes & Methods, For Loop Generic, What is Generic Wild Card?
Brief Introduction, Learning about Input and output streams in java, Concept of byte Oriented Streams, Defining Character Oriented Streams?, Explain Object Serialisation, Input and Output Based on Channel
Introduction and Definition of Annotations, How they are useful for Java programmers?, Placements in Annotations, What are Built-in Java Annotations, Defining Custom Annotations
Getting started, Define Java Reflection?, What is a Class Object?, Concept of Constructors, Using Fields, Applying Methods, Implementing Annotations in Your Java Program
1.1 Introduction to Splunk and Splunk developer roles and responsibilities
2.1 Writing Splunk query for search
2.2 Auto-complete to build a search
2.3 Time range
2.4 Refine search
2.5 Working with events
2.6 Identifying the contents of search
2.7 Controlling a search job
3.1 What is a Field
3.2 How to use Fields in search
3.3 Deploying Fields Sidebar and Field Extractor for REGEX field extraction
3.4 Delimiting Field Extraction using FX
4.1 Writing Splunk query for search, sharing, saving, scheduling and exporting search results
5.1 How to create alerts
5.2 Understanding alerts
5.3 Viewing fired alerts
6.1 Describe and configure scheduled reports
7.1 Introduction to Tags in Splunk
7.2 Deploying Tags for Splunk search
7.3 Understanding event types and utility
7.4 Generating and implementing event types in search
8.1 What is a Macro
8.2 What are variables and arguments in Macros
9.1 Creating get, post and search workflow actions
10.1 Studying the search command
10.2 The general search practices
10.3 What is a search pipeline
10.4 How to specify indexes in search
10.5 Highlighting the syntax
10.6 Deploying the various search commands like fields, tables, sort, rename, rex and erex
11.1 Using top, rare and stats commands
12.1 Using following commands and their functions: addcoltotals, addtotals, top, rare and stats
13.1 iplocation, geostats, geom and addtotals commands
14.1 Explore the available visualizations
14.2 Create charts and time charts
14.3 Omit null values and format results
15.1 Calculating and analyzing results
15.2 Value conversion
15.3 Roundoff and format values
15.4 Using the eval command
15.5 Conditional statements
15.6 Filtering calculated search results
16.1 How to search the transactions
16.2 Creating report on transactions
16.3 Grouping events using time and fields
16.4 Comparing transactions with stats
17.1 Learning data lookups
17.2 Examples and lookup tables
17.3 Defining and configuring automatic lookups
17.4 Deploying lookups in reports and searches
18.1 Creating search charts, reports and dashboards
18.2 Editing reports and dashboards
18.3 Adding reports to dashboards
19.1 Working with raw data for data extraction, transformation, parsing and preview
20.1 Describe pivot
20.2 Relationship between data model and pivot
20.3 Select a data model object
20.4 Create a pivot report
20.5 Create instant pivot from a search
20.6 Add a pivot report to dashboard
21.1 What is a Splunk CIM
21.2 Using the CIM Add-On to normalize data
22.1 Introduction to the architecture of Splunk
22.2 Various server settings
22.3 How to set up alerts
22.4 Various types of licenses
22.5 Important features of Splunk tool
22.6 The requirements of hardware and conditions needed for installation of Splunk
23.1 How to install and configure Splunk
23.2 The creation of index
23.3 Standalone server’s input configuration
23.4 The preferences for search
23.5 Linux environment Splunk installation
23.6 The administering and architecting of Splunk
24.1 How to install Splunk in the Linux environment
24.2 The conditions needed for Splunk
24.3 Configuring Splunk in the Linux environment
25.1 Introducing Splunk distributed management console
25.2 Indexing of clusters
25.3 How to deploy distributed search in Splunk environment
25.4 Forwarder management
25.5 User authentication and access control
26.1 Introduction to the Splunk app
26.2 How to develop Splunk apps
26.3 Splunk app management
26.4 Splunk app add-ons
26.5 Using Splunk-base for installation and deletion of apps
26.6 Different app permissions and implementation
26.7 How to use the Splunk app
26.8 Apps on forwarder
27.1 Details of the index time configuration file
27.2 The search time configuration file
28.1 Understanding of Index time and search time configuration filesin Splunk
28.2 Forwarder installation
28.3 Input and output configuration
28.4 Universal Forwarder management
28.5 Splunk Universal Forwarder highlights
29.1 Implementing the Splunk tool
29.2 Deploying it on the server
29.3 Splunk environment setup
29.4 Splunk client group deployment
30.1 Understanding the Splunk Indexes
30.2 The default Splunk Indexes
30.3 Segregating the Splunk Indexes
30.4 Learning Splunk Buckets and Bucket Classification
30.5 Estimating Index storage
30.6 Creating new Index
31.1 Understanding the concept of role inheritance
31.2 Splunk authentications
31.3 Native authentications
31.4 LDAP authentications
32.1 Splunk installation, configuration
32.2 Data inputs
32.3 App management
32.4 Splunk important concepts
32.5 Parsing machine-generated data
32.6 Search indexer and forwarder
33.1 Introduction to Splunk Configuration Files
33.2 Universal Forwarder
33.3 Forwarder Management
33.4 Data management, troubleshooting and monitoring
34.1 Converting machine-generated data into operational intelligence
34.2 Setting up the dashboard, reports and charts
34.3 Integrating Search Head Clustering and Indexer Clustering
35.1 Understanding the input methods
35.2 Deploying scripted, Windows and network
35.3 Agentless input types and fine-tuning them all
36.1 Splunk user authentication and job role assignment
36.2 Learning to manage, monitor and optimize Splunk Indexes
37.1 Understanding parsing of machine-generated data
37.2 Manipulation of raw data
37.3 Previewing and parsing
37.4 Data field extraction
37.5 Comparing single-line and multi-line events
38.1 Distributed search concepts
38.2 Improving search performance
38.3 Large-scale deployment and overcoming execution hurdles
38.4 Working with Splunk Distributed Management Console for monitoring the entire operation
39.1 Cluster indexing
39.2 Configuring individual nodes
39.3 Configuring the cluster behavior, index and search behavior
39.4 Setting node type to handle different aspects of cluster like master node, peer node and search head
Introduction to Linux, Basics of Shell, Basics of Kernel, CentOS 8 installation and VBox additions, Basic Linux Commands, ECHO and EXPR command, Set and unset a variable, Header of a shell script (#!).
Text editors and file creation; Users, Groups and Processes; Root and Linux file hierarchy, Understanding file hierarchy, Understanding file permissions, chmod and chown commands, the LS command, Metacharacters, Editing a file using VIM, Displaying contents of a file, Copy, Move and Remove files.
Everything is a file in UNIX/Linux (files, directories, executables, processes), Process control commands (ps and kill), other process control tools (top, nice, renice).
What is shell scripting, Types of shell, Creating and writing a shell script, Changing the permission of the shell script, Executing the script, Environment variables, Defining a local and a global variable, User input in a shell script.
What are Conditional statements, Using IF, IF-ELSE, Nested IF statements, What are Looping statements, Using WHILE, UNTIL and FOR statements, Using the case…esac statement, What is a Function, Creating a function in Linux, Calling functions.
Using GREP command, Using SED command, Using AWK command, Mounting a file to the virtual box, Creating a shared folder (mounting a folder), Using SORT command and Using pipes to combine multiple Commands.
What are Daemons, Introduction to Task scheduling in Linux, Scheduling a job in Linux, What is Cron and Crontab, How to use cron, Using the AT command.
Why monitoring, Introduction to process monitoring, Top vs HTop, What does PGREP do, Introduction to file and folder monitoring, Monitoring tool inotifywait, inotifywait options for folder monitoring, Events of a folder in inotify, the FREE command.
Installing and configuring MySQL, Securing MySQL, Running Queries from terminal, Running Queries from a shell script.
What is networking in Linux, Why do we need networking, Using networking commands – IFCONFIG, PING, Wget and cURL, SSH, SCP and FTP, Learning Firewall tools – iptables and firewalld, DNS and Resolving IP address, /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname, nslookup and dig.
Installation of Hadoop components and ecosystems: Hive, Sqoop, Pig, Scala and Spark
Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop and its ecosystem, MapReduce: the importance of Big Data, how does Hadoop fit into the framework, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):replications, block size, secondary Name node, high availability and YARN: resource manager, node manager
How does MapReduce work, how does Reducer work, how does Driver work, combiners, partitioners, input formats, output formats, shuffle and sort
How to create a Hadoop cluster with four nodes, working with cluster and deploying a MapReduce job, how to write a MapReduce code and setting up the Cloudera Manager
The significance of the configuration files, overview of the configuration values and parameters, the parameters of Hadoop distributed file system, setting up the Hadoop environment, detailed configuration files like ‘Include’ and ‘Exclude’, the directory structure and files of Name node and Data node anded it log and file system image for Hadoop administration and maintenance
Deploying the checkpoint procedure, working with metadata, data backup, safe mode, Name node failure and recovery procedure, troubleshooting to resolve various problems, knowing what to look for, node removal and more, the best practices in using the JMX tool for cluster monitoring, working with stack traces, using logs to monitor and troubleshoot, deploying various open-source tools for cluster monitoring, how to deploy the Job Scheduler, the process of job submission flow in MapReduce, scheduling of jobs on the same cluster, FIFO scheduling and Fair Scheduler configuration
Hadoop advanced administration, Quorum Journal Manager, HDFS security and configuring Hadoop federation, Hadoop platform security fundamentals, the process to secure the Hadoop platform, the importance of Kerberos, integrating with the Hadoop platform and Hadoop cluster configuration with Kerberos
Defining Agile values and principles, Contrasting Waterfall and Agile product development philosophies, Confronting the challenges of adopting Agile, Creating a cross–functional team.
Embracing Agile
Defining the core Agile Framework, Core Agile team, artifacts and ceremonies, Adapting traditional business process to Agile, Applying core Agile Values, Leveraging checks and balances
Defining the Core Agile Artifacts
Creating the Product Backlog, Implementing the Sprint Backlog, Defining the Definition of Done, Developing potentially shippable product increment
Simulating the Core Agile Ceremonies
Refining the Product Backlog, Holding the Sprint Planning meeting, Hosting the Daily Agile, Leading Sprint Reviews, Facilitating successful Sprint Retrospectives
Iterating the Product Backlog
Developing the Product Vision, Building the Product Backlog, Continuously refining the Product Backlog, Turning ideas into action, Applying the DOVE framework
Refining Product Delivery
Comparing iterative and incremental delivery, Decomposing Epics into features and stories, Releasing products with Minimal Marketable Features, Planning a product delivery roadmap
Defining user personas
Creating realistic user Personas, Visualizing scope through story maps, Linking user personas to use cases
Creating user stories
Writing users stories with the Connextra format, Evolving product requirements, Applying INVEST and SMART frameworks to focus user stories, Developing products with progressive elaboration, Breaking user stories into tasks, Defining appropriate acceptance criteria.
User story estimating
Sizing user stories, Estimating effort and business value level through relative measurement, Comparing and contrasting affinity and planning poker estimation techniques
Prioritizing the Product Backlog
Ranking product backlog item priority at the release, product and project level, Utilizing MoSCoW and other prioritization techniques, Applying the Pareto principle to product planning, Identifying high–priority items for sprint planning
Growing the Agile team
Enforcing the Agile process, Establishing team working agreements, Performing as a servant–leader, Removing Impediments, Becoming an Agile coach for your team
Ensuring long–term success
Continuously improving the team, Reporting appropriate metrics, Managing and reducing external dependencies, Adopting best practices for software engineering, Acting as an Agile champion in your organization
Course Rating
Madhur Jain-
- (5.0)
March 12, 2021Good Course
This course is greatly explained. All concepts are cleared step by step. It's good course for those who want to do Master's in this particular field. I learned a lot from this course. Thanks a lot!!
Tanmay Malik-
- (5.0)
March 05, 2021Great Course
Great course, fantastic course for those who want to dive into cloud computing. Thoroughly enjoyed the course. I really liked the knowledge, content and the pace of the instructor. Thanks!!!!!
Anandpreet Singh-
- (5.0)
February 24, 2021Amazing Instructor
I have searched for many courses, seen some previews and structure of those courses, and chose this course. I'm not at all disappointed with this instructor. This course makes everything clear.
Khushi Phogat-
- (5.0)
February 15, 2021Best Course
The course was excellent. Its a very efficient and a knowledgeable course, I especially love the explaining. Clear language and tips. SparkAcademy is amazing platform for learning
Muskan Goel-
- (5.0)
February 15, 2021Great Course
Very simple and explanation and summaries. Everything was mind-blowing according to me. The content is really good and I really like the way the Trainer explained the topics.
Harkirat Kaur Jolly-
- (5.0)
February 13, 2021Well-Structured and Explained
The Course is Delivered well and as expected. Course is pretty practical with a decent focus on gaining a good grounding on different topics. Good Match for me.
Yash Tyagi-
- (5.0)
February 09, 2021Great Course
Love the simple and curated content. I found the instructor was engaging and interesting. Overall this is a good course to understand breadth of Cloud Computing!!!
Saurabh Kaushik-
- (5.0)
January 26, 2021Amazing Tutorials
The instructor is very knowledgeable about the subject matter and provides applicable practice scenarios for assignments. Clear rendering of foundations!
Josika Panda-
- (5.0)
January 18, 2021Great Course
It was definitely a good match for me and I totally felt comfortable because I let the lecturers mindset rub off on me. I am really impressed with the details covered as a part of this course and pace at which the trainer is taking us through the section.
Sukritha Suresh-
- (5.0)
January 13, 2021Good Course
The overall course was good. The trainer teaches the materials in a fun way and trying his best to make those concepts as easy as possible. Loved it!!